Ecclesiastes 1:9

"There is nothing new under the sun."

Monday, 11 November 2019

Lucifer is Apollo - The Son of Satan

Sorry Percy Jackson fans, but God says that Apollo is the Antichrist. Let me explain. 

In Percy Jackson, Apollo is glorified as the 'good quirky god' of poetry and music, archery and the sun. But in truth, he is the plague god that brought about much terror. Is this a duel nature? Is he really such bright character or is he really the Antichrist?

It is commonly taught that Lucifer is considered to be Satan or Gadreel, but in Isaiah 14, it says Lucifer had to ascend into Heaven. It doesn’t make sense if Lucifer was originally created in Heaven right? Also, in Strong’s 7837 of Isaiah 14:12, it says he is a son of Shachar. 
"“How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!"
But Satan was created, not born... right? This is my point. The masculine noun Shachar is actually another name for Satan. It also leads me to believe that Satan is not a cherub but a more powerful race of angels called the Seraphim (translated as fiery serpent).  

Note In Job 41:18,
"His sneezings flash forth light,
And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morningOut of his mouth go burning lights; Sparks of fire shoot out. Smoke goes out of his nostrils,
Leviathan is described like a fire breathing dragon with eyes are described as “the eyelids of the morning (Same word: Shachar)”. In my opinion, this is evidence that Leviathan is biologically connected to Lucifer. Obviously, if Lucifer is Satan in Revelation 12, all you get is a list of all his names in the canon: the Great dragon, Serpent, the devil and Satan. This would be a good place to insert the word “light bearer” too don’t you think, but, it is not there. In fact, Leviathan is described as the only great dragon and serpent in Scripture so it would make sense to link him to be associated with Lucifer. 

With that mind then, it can be concluded that Lucifer in Isaiah 14 is in fact the son of Leviathan (the serpent and Satan). That begs the question: Who is the only son of Satan in the Bible? That is of course the Antichrist. This makes prefect sense because the AC will appear as Jesus and like this New Age God of light that might even deceive the very elect. 

Is it Interesting to notice too that in Revelation 9:11, the Beast is called Apollo in Greek. If you know your history, Apollo is the god of the sun,light poetry and harmony. If you want to go deeper, the only character in the Bible that attempted to reach into Heaven as stated by Isaiah 14, is Nimrod building the Tower of Babel. There some extraordinary research done by Rob Skiba, Tom Horn, Sean Griffin on His channel Kingdom in Context and Peter Goodgame, that connect Nimrod in Mythology to Apollo of the Greek world. 

The link connecting the Antichrist with Lucifer/Nimrod is undeniable in my opinion. Nimrod- the man that changed his DNA to become a Nephilim (seraphim DNA) as the son of the morning (Shachar/Gadreel/Germain) would be Lucifer himself. Therefore, as Apollo/Lucifer, these occultists and new agers are preparing the way for the False light of the beast to come back to be their Messiah. I hope this has been edifying in some way. Shalom and thanks.

I would like to credit David Carrico for propagating this theory about Lucifer not being Satan.
Further proof of Nimrod (Antichrist) and Apollo begin the same

Next part to this blog is A Lie Within A Lie

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