Ecclesiastes 1:9

"There is nothing new under the sun."

Friday, 1 February 2019

Exodus Week 18 - Mishpatim (Judgements/Rulings) Notes

These are my first ever Torah Portion notes from 2018 and 2019, drawn from these sources. Every Saturday starting from Friday sunset, God's people get together and read portions from the Torah to learn and look deeper into His word, starting after the 8 days Feast of tabernacles until.Tabernacles the next year:
  1. 2013 Broadcast
  2. 2016 Broadcast     
Scriptures in Week 18:
Exodus 21:1-24:18

2 Kings 12:1-16 ; 
Isaiah 6:1-5; 

Jeremiah 33:20-26; 34:8-22; 

Ezekiel 1:26-28; 8:1,2;

Daniel 7:9,10; 10:5,6;

 Amos 2:9; 

Zechariah 11:10-14

Matthew 5:38-42; 12:1-21; 17:1-11; 26:14-16;

Mark 7:6-9; 

Luke 9:51-56; 10:30-37;

Acts 23:1-11; 

Hebrews 9:15-22, 10:28-39;

 James 1:27; 

Revelation 1:13-15; 21:1-14


This is the beginning of a section of the Bible i would not even bother reading. Honestly, i bet if you have taken time to read the book of Exodus and you get to this part, you get bored out of your mind and you just want to skip it. I was there. Well i am going to submit to you that these 52 laws (suggestions) given in this week's Torah portion are all important for us because it is part of the Hebrew culture. It is YHWH's way for us to follow moral standards. If we are grafted into Israel we are now ready and prepared to learn the house rules God has for us. Remember, not all 613 laws are for everyone! Jesus did not  keep them all. Some are for women and others for kings and priests. When we go overseas to another country, there will be traditions and aspects to the culture that will make no sense to us foreigners, but makes complete sense to the natives. This is how i view this week's portion. I as i am writing this i am new and learning alongside with you. So a lot what we will be looking at will be like trying something completely new. If you look closely at the laws, you soon realise how relevant these are for our lives today. They are moral judgements for everyday situations and He is telling us how to live the best life we can according to His will. We do this because it manifests Him into this dark world. It will be a sign that we are serving the Creator and is the best way to silent witness to those that are lost. The laws given must resonate with us because we are saved and in Christ. He is the source of all good.This is because all the Torah hangs on love - the two greatest commandments. Take a good look at this chart be we get started.

YHWH has just given the top 10 commandments, now He is about to elaborate on them. First He starts with a section of His Torah called Judgements. These laws are for the slaves and peasants and the lower class. This is interesting, why YHWH starts here. This is because YHWH, the same God as Jesus ALWAYS decided to protect and hang out the helpless and the sinners first. Again, i cannot understand people anymore when they say that the Old Testament God is different to the New Testament. To me, that's a sign that they do not even bother to read or even study the Old Testament with even the notion or idea that they could be the same deity. The fact that YHWH, the God of the "Old Testament" chooses to first deal with the worthless and the poor, really in itself is a big statement on how our Creator thinks and is a proof that YHWH is Yeshua.  

God's love language is to do what He says for our benefit.

This is YHWH ways to justice. Not mans. Though later i will compare how man has similar laws but they are slightly twisted and are constantly changing. YHWH has an easy standard that never changes. If we do not have an objective standard to look at, we will never know who is right or wrong.

It is people that misunderstand Torah, not Torah being bad.

His Mishpatim are about simple life things which separates us in the physical realm form the wickedness of the world:
  • Business
  • Running households
  • Appointed times (holy days)
  • Diet
  • Interpersonal relations
  • Dealing with YHWH in our midst (separating yourself from uncleanness.)
In this Torah Portion, YHWH will deal with His way on real situations to love your neighbour in different scenarios and how to love YHWH by keeping His holidays:
  • Maids and servants
  • Personal and social injuries
  • Property rights
  • General governance of society 
  • The Sabbath (Saturday - traditionally from sunset to sunset on Friday to Saturday night.)
  • The 3 pilgrimage feasts.
Remember the Torah is always about love. 

YHWH's throne is founded on this justice and His moral judgements.

We do not follow the law to be justified. We follow the law so we can sin less.

The maid and servants laws are an expansion on how to love thy neighbour. These commandment actually prevent those in desuetude (homelessness) to live in a shelter. This is not slavery, this is kindness and just.

If this homeless peasant has a wife, you provide and shelter her too.

There is slavery to sin (Ha'Satan), to man (religion) and to Christ. You are at least one of them.

Okay, here is where the plantations owners probably tried to justify slavery. In fact, not all African Americans hated slavery. Hold on why is that? We only hear about the negative side of slavery, but there is also a positive side to it. That is to get the servant to share a healthy human relationship with the owner. They became a family member and were welcomed. The thing is that a maid (servant) is different to a slave (animal or less than). A slave is someone that has lost their independent means of production. They have an Illusion of choice. Slaves are never banished from society. We today pay more tax than any other slave society. A maid is someone that has a friendly relationship with the person they work for. They are accepted. They have freedom of choice weather they would like to work or not. They have some independent means to production. 
Strip ourselves out for the modern world and imagine and put yourself in an agricultural society in the ancient world, we have 90% of people with a landowner or working for a landowner. If you not a landowner, it would be VERY hard to survive in a world relying on agriculture. 
This is why families had so many children, because the more sons they had, the less effort there is to work the land. You cannot exist without having sons. So, what happens if you do not have any sons, but many daughters, or your wife cannot have children for some reason and you are not a landowner? What you do is "sell" the daughters (the word is not sell, it means marry off or give away which we do all the time today,)  or hire them to be servants or maids for 6 years so they can learn from a young age. The kids had to work so they can bring income to the family. I do not know about you, but my family or grand father's family, not too far removed lived like this. To us, in our lazy slothist world, it sounds like slavery and child abuse, but the ancients definition of slavery is MUCH more harsh than the one we have today. This was seen as very normal to have young kids and woman working hard and owed by the landowner until she comes to an age (puberty) where she does not have to to keep the land. She would be free to go and get married from around 13 to 18 years of age.

The 6 days is 6000 years. We are bondage to sin for 6000 years until the 7th which is the region of Yeshua.

We are the servant brought with a price which is the sacrifice of Jesus.

Yeshua the master provides us a wife, food and goods. We have the choice to accept that offer.

The servant is free from the work and to live in the landowner's house on the seventh year. This is the sabbatical year of rest. YHWH works in 7s. On that seven year, you must give them money for themselves so they can continue to live.

This tells us if a wife is given to the servant at about the 4th year of his servants to the landowner, then the husband continues working for two more years and leaves the household at the appointed set time so the wife can then finish her years at her appointed set time. Actually, the money that the husband servant has been given after his 6 years of work can be used to help pay his wife who is still working for the landowner. After the wife is finished serving, she will get her money for the 7th year in which she will join with her husbands remaining money. This is a bonus for the poor servants because now they have enough money to survive for themselves! This is right and just! Why are not we doing this today? Because we have forgotten Torah that is why.

YHWH is actually abolishing slavery. Remember the Israelites just came from Egypt being slaves. His Torah is freedom and perfect so this can only make sense if He is abolishing slavery.

Laws are important. They protect us. I like to think of the Torah as the traffic signs, lights, seat belt, guard rails and lines on the road as i am driving. The reason why we have them? So we can be safe. This is why He give us the Torah as we can be safe from the enemy and the terrors of the world. Think of the Tribulation? What do you think is going to protect us if the law is done away with? Jesus! They (Christians) would say. Jesus is the Torah mate, He is not going to do away with Himself!. 

Without laws you have anarchy, and without freedom you have tyrant. We need a balance. This is what the Torah does. The Torah is the Heavenly inscriptions to run and construct a Godly nation. By rejecting them, you have an ungodly nation, which does work very smoothly.

This bizarre custom that if the salve wishes to stay with his master after the 6th year required him to go to the judges and have his ear pinned to a wooden door so it can bleed sounds horrible. This is because this paints a brilliant image of Jesus who WAS THE SUFFERING SERVANT at His first coming that bleed on a wooden cross so He can be with His Father! Jesus was accused and brought to the Pharisee and the Romans (Judges). After he bleeds on the doorpost, the servant is the landowners forever, just as Yeshua is God's forever. Remember, the landowner treats the servant as his best mate and part of his family, not as an animal! Why on earth would a servant want to even desires to want to stay at a landowner's house that treats him like an animal? Of course, the reason why the servant chooses to make this decision because he loves his master SOOOOO much, that he would endure pain in order to receive that gift of being with him for entirety. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YESHUA DID! This does not describes slavery, no this describes Messiah! It describes grace through the blood! 

The Torah says that the commandments are supposed to be written on the doorposts of our hearts. The ear is the symbol of hearing and listening to the voice of YHWH. God is making a strong point to us by showing through this act, how important it is to hear and know His word. Paints picture of the two exceptions in YHWH promise: Grace and obedience. We should love our master (YHWH) so much so we can be with Him.

Remember, we are the servant to Jesus Christ. This is physical picture, painting and spiritual idea. YHWH uses the Torah to package spiritual things in a  physical light so we can easily understand it. This is how Jesus preached, through parables. It is similar here with the Father.

This is unbelievable! The first commandments of the Torah are actually literally about Jesus! I wish Dispensationalist can understand this!

The time for both male and female servants serving for 6 years is the same. The translation in English is confusing and seems contradictory inverse 7. The words used for both male and female servant are different Hebrew words all together. The word can actually mean concubine which means wife. All this verse is talking about is a dowry.

The word used for manservant is not evening talking about a male specifically. This is what causes misunderstanding.

Verse 8 of chapter 21 explains our relationship with Yeshua Messiah. Betrothal means you cannot yet out of the covenant you promised, you must take it and run the race to win. This is a beautiful thing because the owner must treat the young girl as a daughter.

YHWH knows men's wicked hearts. If He see us wanting to have more than  one wife, He makes the situation harder for the man, giving Him the responsibility to not marry the first wife, marry the second BUT look after both women like family. This is a much harder job to do, so do not lust after polygamy.

If you do not like the servant woman you (landowner) are betrothed too, you can let them marry you brother so you can betroth another woman. Just because he does not want to marry her, she has to marry someone else because with no children, you cannot survive in ancient Israel. This is why she marries the brother while the man looks for another wife. But, the man must take care of the original woman, he cannot deny her the opportunity to get married. But let's say there is no man other than the landowner, then God says she MUST be kept at the landowner's house and looked after because she will die without kids.

If they accidentally have a child while they are about to marry, they must be married immediately, otherwise it is sin (transgression of the Torah.) But the father of the woman can deny the marriage. In fact, the answer to adultery and pornography in the bible is to get married, so it is forced upon those that have sex just outside of it. Marry was probably 15 years old when she gave birth to Jesus. Rebecca was apparently 12 to 18 years old in Jasher. Sadly, the reason why we have such a porn problem today is because we can live in a society where marriage is not an easy option, especially if you are a Christian wanting to listen to God. It is only in the last 100 years or so that the age of marriage has started drifting towards late 20s and 30s. This is the reason why pron is a problem. Humans can not control their sexual drives unless they are married. That is the reason why marriage was initiated. By removing it, it is easy to end up committing sexual immorality. The sexual impulses given by God cannot satisfy themselves in a way that does not break His Torah. In fact, the only solution to pornography is to get married so you can fulfil periodic sexual desires without sinning. This is a problem today because society encourages porn, homosexually and sex as well as making marriage something that is bondage and encouraging the sexes to stay away from a marriage covenant. That is just asking for trouble, which leads to many other problems like abortion. We have an abundant evidence that the ancients were overwhelmingly smart, so it only makes sense how they were able to identify the sexual impulse and when it begins to kick in. This fact is really been bothering me but i digress. If you are struggling with masturbation or sexual sin, i highly recommend you see this series by the Fuel Project. The answer in my opinion to stop abortion is to get married once you hit puberty.

If the woman is treated unfairly and is abused, she has the freedom to leave the landowner all together and find another to share love with.
Obviously, murdering someone for whatever reason and at whatever age, is death because sin leads to death. This is the curse of the law that Jesus done away with.

Now if you accidentally killed someone, then YHWH will appoint a place where we can flee. These places are a refuge and safe havens for outcasts and vagabonds because of an accident. This is mercy and protection from the wrath of those that loved the one he killed.  

If the man that uses the Torah to justify a murder that was not an accident so he can get away with it, that is the absolute worst thing you could possibly do. It requires you to die (spiritually). Sin causes death.

If a child attacks their mum and dad and abuses them, well, of course it is wrong and the punishment is bad. It all leads to death when we sin. 

How much different will society be if the penalty of murder and abusing parents is death? It will not be worth losing your life for threatening others. We do not stone these people, YHWH's appointed judges to do that. There needed to be two or more witnesses present so a trail can take place. If they are guilty then they can stone the guilty. Yet in Yeshua's case, the woman caught in adultery was just thrown like a rag doll to Yeshua, who is not a judge, without two witnesses. Jesus was not breaking Torah, He was following it. That's why He forgave because there was no witnesses. This is following Torah perfectly.

This applies to a kidnapper, which is slavery because you are taking someone against their will. Penalty is spiritually decaying.

If you have a quarrel or an argument with someone and your blood is boiling and you hit them with something and they do not die and have an injury, the penalty of death does not apply, but restoration must be made. You have to take care of them, heal their wound like the good Samaritan does. Think of the restoration of the relationship. It will be put back into place again if you take the time to heal their wounds. This is what Yeshua was preaching at the Sermon on the Mount.

The law does not apply to the certain situations. We are to look for the principles of justice that are in the law.

If you killed your maid or servant, it is murder. But, in Luke 12:47 to 48 says:
"And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more."
If a servant does not listen to you and you are helping them and giving them needs, then they must be punished so they can learn discipline. This is a picture of YHWH and His people that listen to Him and those that do not. This is because YHWH does not want a man living in our houses to everyday disrespect us. We see things from YHWH's shoes. This is discipline according to YHWH's heart.

If a woman is abused the husband can decide what is required for punishment to the judges.

A life for another's life. This is why Yeshua came to do.  Eye for an eye does NOT mean getting the right to retaliate (lex talionis) revenge on someone that destroyed you as it it falsely interpreted. It is actually is not our decision to make it is the judge's to make a reasonable recompense. It is like for a like, in the CONTEXT of the decision of the judges (not us). It is the damages paid to the person. We experience what we have done to someone else to ourselves. You sow what you reap. This works all the time in the spiritual realm. You something bad, something bad might befall you.
Shamash is depicted as the same size as Hamubai.
This is odd because if the god stood up, he will be twice
as big as  the man. This is the law of a Nephilim
(the seed of Satan.) This is the law of lawlessness and evil.

The Laws of Hammurabi mention this similar law but it is written from the perspective of man or a Fallen Angel named Shamash (the Sumerian sun god). This is the same god Apollo mentioned in Revelation 9:11 that comes out of the bottomless pit. 

I am going to submit to you that this principle was taken or stolen by the god (elohim or angel) Shamash to Hammurabi in order to discredit YHWH's Torah because the god knew the Torah. This verse of eye for an eye tooth for a tooth is a slight twisting of its real meaning. In Hammurabi's law, it meant the right to relate or attack someone if they do something bad to you. (lex talionis which is Latin for equal retaliation). This is obviously not just, but  unfortunately, this is how most people today interpret this commandment from YHWH over the law of a man that predates the physical manifestation of YHWH's Torah. Remember, YHWH's Torah is the foundation of His word and His word was there at the beginning of time and will always will be. People need to STOP putting man's laws over YHWH's! Man's has mistakes. YHWH's is perfect.

Abraham grew up knowing these slightly twisted laws in Ur and Mesopotamia.

If accidental significant damage is done to a servant, you are to help them and let them go free.

If someones animal is dangerous and kills a random citizen (there are requirements if it kills a family member like a child or a servant) and the owner does not know about the animal being dangerous, the owner is not guilty and in order to keep the dangerous untamed animal away it must die. However, if the owner knows that the animal can gore people, and someone dies, then the owner is not guiltless and it is a sin. In fact, it is as bad as murder in YHWH's eyes. It is simple, you would not have a lion as a pet unless it is trained. It will run around and eat water that moves. He is teaching His people that it is unacceptable to not be aware of the well being and the lives of others. In this case though, the judges can make a decision to not give death penalty to the accused unless there is a ransom (fine) demanded of him if his family member has been killed. It can also apply in a circumstance that is not fair, like the man knew about the dangerous animal, but he did not confine it very well.

If someone digs a pit and does not cover it and an animal falls in, the digger must restore it and give restitution to the owner because it was clearly his fault. The guilty gets the dead animal to eat of it is kosher or to sell things likes skins or products.

If someone animal kills another man's animal, restitution is made because no one is guilty of anything. The person that had the dangerous animal did not know it will attack another animal. The price is divided and the dead animal is divided. But, if the owner of the dangerous animal knew the animal was dangerous, then he had to pay for both animals and he would get the dead one to divide himself.

If steal an animal from someone else, you have to pay 5 times for a working animal or 4 times as much for any other animal because you stole, so you can feel what it is like to be deprived of your goods In order to see why it is wrong.

If it is night and you can not see and you kill someone by accident, you are not a murder in YHWH's eyes. But if it is light, you know you are doing it, so it is sin.

If a thief is caught, they must restitute. If they can not they must be sold for their theft for 6 years and use that money they get as a servant for restitution.  If the thief is not seen, the feeling is much worse so the consequence to restitute is much bigger. You must place what is taken with the best of your stuff. This is justice in YHWH's eyes. 

An accidental fire is caused and it damages neighbour's property, of course you resuitute them.

In order to establish something has been stolen, you go before the judges. 

If you lost something and you see someones having something that you lost, the you and the other guy go to the judges to reason it out. If it turn out to be yours, the thief gives to you double. If it is not and you are seen as committing thief so you have to pay double. 

Now you need to look after someones pet or animal,and get lost, is hurt or dies, you get with that person, make an oath saying you had no intention for the animals misfortune so they can believe you and they must accept that. If they blame you for its misfortune, they are the sinner, not you. Vice versa, you are the sinner if you actually want the pet to suffer misfortune. If the pet you looked after is stolen from you because of negligence, you make restitute to that owner. But if a wild animal killed it and you show the evidence, then there is no restitution. This same principle is used in the story when Joseph's brother show Jacob his blood filled coat as "evidence" of his supposed death. They do not bring his corpse though, with made Jacob doubt his sons authenticity.

If you borrow something, like a book from the library and you lose it and replace it. Not rocket science. 

Okay Hermione Granger, and Sadie Kane ya dead. Apparently we have to kill witches too:
"You shall not allow a sorceress to live." Exodus 22:18
Out of nowhere God just says, okay, kill all witches like they are not humans. Wait, this does mean if someone is practising New Age you kill them on sight? No. This means that is is a VERY BAD IDEA to practise witchcraft amongst God's people, because you will die for it. It costs your life both spiritually and unfortunately physically. These witches have chances of redemption too. By saying it is worthy of death it stops people from observing witchcraft and occultism.

"Whoever has sex with an animal shall surely be put to death." Exodus 22:19
Beastiality (Beauty and the Beast) is wrong. It is so wrong it carries death penalty so no one would do it. The creation of the Minotaur during the days of Noah,was a complete abomination of YHWH's creation because it acted as a host body for demons. It was the offspring of the Cretan Queen Pasiphae and a majestic bull.  Why i am i mentioning this, well i find it interesting why YHWH hates beastiality and the creation of animal human hybrids. This story of the Minotaur i believe explains why YHWH is so concerned about the becoming of one flesh (intercourse) of something not after its own kind. Could this be the reason why YHWH said this? Out of love for us so we do not literally create an monster that will terrorise the people?

The death penalty is even worse for both witchcraft and beastiality combined is pagan sacrifice to demons. This is in order to no one would even dear to do it. It makes us to fear YHWH which is wisdom and understanding.
"You shall not wrong an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt. “You shall not take advantage of any widow or fatherless child. If you take advantage of them at all, and they cry at all to me, I will surely hear their cry; and my wrath will grow hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless." Exodus 22:21-24
YHWH is making clear here the He will deal with sins like these Himself, not a judge. He will bring upon this sinner the same issue that he was inflicting onto the stranger, widows and fatherless.

YHWH is summary is simply just telling us that these people are the people we must take good care of. These are the people God would look after when He is on the earth, which He did:
  • Foreigner
  • Widow
  • Orphan
  • Poor (do not be a creditor to them, give them interest free loans.)
When a poor man gives you a lend do not deprive them of it.

We are not to curse God or someone in authority over us. We respect that authority because YHWH has placed them there. But if they teach us to go against YHWH's law, then that when we rebel against them. King James makes the worst translation error out of all English translations. In Exodus 22: 28 is says that you shall not look down upon the gods. It should say God because the original text says so. 

You are to take the first fruits of hat ever you are growing and give it as reference to YHWH recognising that He is the provider.

The priests in the Torah before the Levites were appointed are the firstborn children. This was the job Esau had but he blew it. They had also offered their firstborn livestock to YHWH too.

You are not to take a young animal or eggs from its mother until it has had time to be nursed for 7 days. If the young is alone and the parents are killed, that's another story and it will be your job to nurse it the best you can. By taking the baby away before the 7 days,the mother will be in stress. This breaks Honour your mother and your father.

"Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:" Exodus 23:2
This is a commandment Christians are breaking the most. We need to be set apart from the world to what YHWH says is right. That multitude can eb family and friends, whatever it takes, do not listen to them if they ask you to sin. Just because there is a lot of them, does not mean what they say is right. We can not unjustly benefit those that are poor.
"Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners." 1 Corinthians 15:33

Do not take advantage over someone that is a stranger. Because we are strangers to this world (Egypt) and we already know what it feels like. That is an open rebuke to Israel today with the Palestinians.

YHWH stresses all throughout Torah how important the Sabbath is. It is a sign of the covenant between Him And us and that we are willing to let Him provide and that we have faith and trust in Him.

Abib means when the barley is ripe. 

These are the 3 pilgrimage feast that are mentioned which correspond with the 3 harvests. 

  • Unleavened Bread (barley harvest)
  • Shavuot/Pentecost (Feast of the wheat Harvest)
  • Sukkot (Feast of ingathering at the end of the year)
The offerings we must do is up to us. It can be a video, a piece of bible study or a blog as i do. I am incredibly busy, but every Shabbat, i will do Torah study just for YHWH.

At Unleavened Bread, Shavuot and Sukkot all males are to come before YHWH in the temple. Again, it is not something we have to do because there is no temple at the moment and we leave too far away which the Torah prescribes to that situation.

YHWH teaches us how to treat offerings with reverence. We do not decide how to worship Him, He spoon feeds us and tells us Himself because He cares. Offer to Him with reverence and respect. You heart needs to be right, unlike Cain.
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." Romans 12:1

YHWH will send an Angel (Yeshua) to protect us in the wilderness. This is what will happen in the Greater Exodus when we are in the wilderness to a place prepared for us (Israel). If we obey YHWH He will bless us and we can be able to go up against anything, whether it be a giant, we have YHWH. If we do not, He will not see life and the wrath of God remains on you.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

YHWH says that His name will be Yeshua's

We must destroy and tear down all sin and cursed objects and leaven in our lives. We are to destroy all altars and idols. If we abide in Him, He has great healing power.

YHWH will send hornets unto the Nephilim? The Hebrew word for hornet is tsirah (6880 Strong's) which has a root word tsaraath (6883 Strong's) which means leprosy. Interesting because if we obey Him, He takes away illness but on the receiving end, He can also have the power to send illness. Hornets mean illness.

YHWH will drive our or enemies little by little bit by bit. On our walk, He will not tempt us beyond what we can stand. 

Moses builds the altar from last week's pasha with 12 pillars.

The sprinkling of the blood of the covenant on the people is what Yeshua did. His blood was poured out for the people so they can be in covenant.

Moses, Aaron, his two sons and the 70 elders all saw the sapphire blue firmament (sky) which is the dome or veil protecting us from God's presence. This is the sea of glass that John  sees.

Now this is the part when YHWH will with His figure to carve the 10 words on the two stones. This Is what the Israelites agreed to be obedient to. Moses the goes up for 40 days from this point on. This stone is our hearts and He is writing it on our hearts. This is the New Covenant Yeshua speaks about.

Moses accidentally makes a forgiving mistake when he lets Hur and Aaron to be in charge of the people when he is up in the mountain for 40 days with Yeshua (Joshua.) That leadership does not turn out well, because they end up worshipping YHWH their way.

I would understand why the Israelites got so instance. They just saw their deliver and mediator just bail on them and walk into a consuming fire. They probably thought Moses was dead and they did not know what to do so they made the Golden Calf.

I am speaking to myself here, but if there is something in the Torah that does not click in our brains, then we must investigate and study because God's laws are ALWAYS JUST AND RIGHT.

The Hebrews became slaves because of Joseph, for they willing wanted to be his servant because of the famine. It paints a picture of how true servants should be when we serve Messiah.

The word describing a servant for nothing actually means grace in the Hebrew.


It does not  matter if you hate someone or they are your enemy, it is still right to treat them with the same love and respect as you would treat anybody else. Yeshua taught this, the Torah never teaches to hate your enemy, the Judaises and legalists do. We pray for your enemies

2 Kings speaks of the money given to the servants from the hose masters.

Isaiah chapter 6 explains Isaiah's vision which is probably the same one that Moses had of the throne room.

Jeremiah speaks of the issues that the Hebrews go themselves into because they did not let their servants go free after the 7th sabbatical year. They had slaves. This was one of the reason why the Northern Kingdom and the southern Kingdom were dispersed.

Ezekiel saw the same vision as Moses because he saw the firmament (dome) above the flat earth and the throne room and the UFOS (wheel within a wheel.)

Ezekiel experiences the secretive wickedness and satanic rituals, child sacrifice, Tammuz (Easter) worship going on in Israel at his time. This requires justice and just like today, no justice is being done to SRA, child sex trafficking and abortion because everyone think the law is done away with. 

Daniel also has a vision of the throne room too. description similar but for me, i believe Moses just saw from outside the firmament like Ezekiel but Daniel and John saw inside. Daniel saw what happens in Heaven when God's judgements are set. What happens on earth is mimicked in Heaven. the angels open up the Torah and speak the judgements as we saw Moses do in today's portion.

Amos 2: 9 is the verse that tells us how big the giants were and the opponents the Israelites had to face after Sinai.

Beauty and Bands are the two sticks of Ezekiel 37. they are the two house of Israel.

In Zechariah 11, God is upset because he was valued for 30 pieces of silver as the ox is in Exodus 21:32. God mocks them, and this is actually want happens when Yeshua is sold by Judas and the money goes into the potter's field.

The law of eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth has been very inaccurately interpreted. Luckily, Yeshua is here to clear things up for us:
"You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you, don’t resist him who is evil; but whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also." Matthew 5:38-39
It was taught that this law teaches us to punch someone in the face if they punch us. Jesus as YHWH that never changes,  says the law should not be for a personal situation, but the judges to bring that justice in the situation. It is to not be applied personally. If someone came up to you and hits you, you turn the other cheek because there is no real reason to hit them back, there is nothing to get out of it without judges around. It is a different matter when judges and two or more witnesses are around.

Jesus did not violate the Sabbath, He was keeping it perfectly. It is that the keepers of traditions the Pharisees, told Him He was breaking the sabbath ACCORDING to their legalistic traditions.

When someone is in need on the sabbath day, them it is required to go and help them.
"And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath." Mark 2:27-28

YHWH loves coming in His cumulonimbus, thunder cloud.

The first covenant or agreement required obedience. The new one the covenant is on our heart. The Passover is in memory of that.

The Good Samaritan is a classic story of what it is to take care of someone in need and to care for their wounds as explained in Torah.

The first testament is the Old covenant which required obedience and the new testament is the Torah written on our hearts as tablets of stone.

Paul says without the will of God (Torah) you will not receive the promise.

James (Jacob) says that it is very important to look after orphans, widows and the poor because it is God's justice and will and it is very good.

Revelation 21 explains why all those that practise murder, witchcraft, pagan worship, and lairs die, because they cannot enter into the New Jerusalem because of the gap or chasm separating the outer darkness and the New Jerusalem. Committing these sins do not cause the physical death, it makes you worthy of the second death of the soul.

Jonathon Karagiannis - 2/2/19

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