Ecclesiastes 1:9

"There is nothing new under the sun."

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Era of 303 Episode 4 Teaser Out Now

Teaser for Era of 303 Episode 4 is out!

"Now with the science in our hands, humanity is now ready to make their imaginations a living reality. They imagine the myths of old, and how true to society they once were. But what if I told you all these gods and goddesses, the heroes and men of renown, were things of forgotten antiquity? So why do you think there is such an inexhaustible appetite for stories about fantasy and "make believe" - but the truth is, it's not a fantasy. It's a living nightmare, and we are about to live it out." James Casbolt December 20th 2002.

Era Of 303 Omega Plan is the first season of the 7 in the Era of 303 saga created by Jonathon Karagiannis. The reprogrammed super soldier named James Casbolt, meets his US special forces friends Benjamin and Julian. He warns them with his harrowing tale of the government's creation of demigods and monsters and the conflicting factions between governments. After seeing the reality of Casbolt's story, drastic turn of events thrust our two main mariners on a life changing journey that will either destroy them, or make them. Demobbed to ground zero - Iraq, on a mission to hunt down al-Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan and in the Middle East and on the quest for weapons of mass destruction, Ben and Julian unwillingly, find themselves playing part of a corrupt scheme to find ancient technology that will be a catalyst for a great Omega Plan. The 6000 year old prophecy of a cosmic "seed war" is engendered. The major players are in play and time is running out.

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Era of 303 Omega Plan on Wattpad

Suggestion from a friend, I decided to publish Era Of 303 on Wattpad, which conveniently is a platform that allows you to request writer’s p...